Matter is everything. Literally

What is matter? Well matter is 3 (or 4) things. Solids, Gases, and Liquid. (and also plasma if you count that) Dragons probably don’t ‘matter’ in this post. (Yeah i did just make a pun!) Matter is everywhere so you can’t really escape it, even in space, it has matter!!! Well thanks for looking at this blog. BYE BYE!!!

GAS!!!! With my teacher!!!
GAS!!!! With my teacher!!!


Hey guys! This is just a quick talk about when I’m not posting things. It’s because I’m really busy and doing other stuff but when I post things it takes a long time to do it and I forget my password sometimes. Thanks for hearing this! BYE BYE!!!imgres

Dragon Teaching Time!!! -With Mrs.Jeyda

Hello people! Im here to teach you some things about my favorite things in the world….DRAGONS!!!! So grab a pencil and some paper and i’ll start teaching you now!!! Oh also dragons are Mythical Creatures and that means there not real,sorry.First Dragons are reptilians AKA reptiles so they lay eggs and have scales.Your probably wondering “Do they need warmth to survive?” No because all you know that most dragons breath fire and some dragons breath ice so ice dragons don’t need it also normal ones too.Dragons are kinda a breed with a crocodile and a bat.Dragons are normally fire but people like to imagine them more than that! Like wind,water,magic,lightning,earth,plant,and ice.There are much more to dragons than i know but thanks for letting me teach you some things about dragons.BYE BYE!!!:)


All About Jeyda!!!


Hi! My name is Jeyda! I’m a 4th grader. I have 3 brothers. I’m 10 years old and My pets are Guinea pigs and their names are Zach and Frank. I like to play Softball, and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE DRAGONS!!!!!!!! 🙂